Guido Cervone
Associate Director, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS)
Professor of Geography, Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Director, Geoinformatics and Earth Observation Laboratory
Email: cervone@psu.edu
Phone: 814-863-0179
Guido Cervone’s research focuses on the development and application of computational algorithms for the analysis of spatio-temporal remote sensing, numerical modeling, and social media big data related to environmental hazards and renewable energy. He focuses on problems related to the fusion of heterogeneous data at different temporal and spatial scales. Cervone has been an affiliated scientist with the Research Application Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, since 2012. He is an adjunct professor with the Lamont-Doherety Earth Observatory at Columbia University and serves as co-chair of the executive committee and program committee of the American Geophysical Union, focus group on Natural Hazards.